Nautical Cambie, and feeling a twunt in public

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The sun was shining, it is Me Made May and today was just screaming out for something girlie.  Something nautical. Something that was still sitting in my UFO pile waiting for a zip and a hem.

No worries, I don’t work Fridays and as my body clock hasn’t quite caught on to this I was up at five thirty hand picking a lapped zip before the school run. I machined a narrow hem as I was running out of time and annoyingly ‘Sorry, I had to finish making my clothes before I could leave the house’ is not considered an acceptable excuse for lateness at my daughter’s school.

I started this dress before I went away at Easter,  Cambie, by Sewaholic, of course. My first. I got the fabric on sale at Minerva Crafts and I think I got the last of it. Anyway I nearly finished but ran out of time and I’m afraid I can’t remember what size I traced but I did my usual small at the shoulders, going up a size at the bust and up another for the waist and hips.  Hundreds have said it before but this pattern is an absolute breeze to sew. And I love it!  The only adjustments I did were to lower the back, because I like a low back. If I was to make this again I would probably make the straps a little shorter. Oh, and I didn’t use the pattern pieces for the full skirt, I just cut rectangles.

Buoyed by my success in completing it and realising that I love love love this dress more than I can put into words I decided it was time to bite the bullet and take it outside for some pictures. I stuffed my gorillapod and my camera into a bag and headed for the beach.

I had a conversation with Katy of a Sleek Silhouette about photography at the meet up. We were both wondering a) how other bloggers manage to get decent pictures of themselves with no one else to take them?  b) how to do it without looking like some weird self obsessed freak? and c) how you manage to do it without feeling like a complete arse?  I notice that Katy has clearly managed to overcome at least some of those problems as she has done a great photo shoot outside for her latest stunning make.

As you can see from my efforts I have succeeded in overcoming exactly….none of those problems.  I gave it a shot though:

P1210183 - CopyCamera, what camera? No, I’m just walking on the beach (and waiting for you all to feck off and stop staring) …
P1210186 - CopyOh, that camera. Who put that there?
P1210180 - CopyIf I stand here and put the camera really close then maybe no-one will notice me…
P1210191 - CopyRight, they’ve gone, quick! Smile….
P1210202Nautical – that means boats. Look, a boat! I’ll stand by it. Please don’t look at me like that Mr Dog Walker, you’re making this really difficult….
P1210206And the back….
P1210207And the side….Can I go now?

To say that I wasn’t very comfortable with this photography lark is an understatement. It did get easier though. I will persevere. I also took a couple of shots indoors as the sun was so bright it is quite hard to see the actual dress in some of those pics. Note how by this point most of my make up has slid off and I am looking decidedly windswept. I have also stopped caring.





The zip doesn’t actually show when I am standing normally but it looks crap here, especially at the waistband. I think my hands on my hips made it pull apart. And I had no idea my feet were that grubby – sorry.

Oh well, No Fear No Shame – I have felt a Twunt and done it anyway. That deserves a treat or two.


43 thoughts on “Nautical Cambie, and feeling a twunt in public

  1. grtescp

    congratulations on getting out and shooting yourself… I am so not comfortable in front of a camera, not at home, especially not in public! My MMM shots will continue to be unidentifiable fragments of me of clothes on hangers 😐
    ANd the nautical dress is just perfect on the beach – and for eating fish and chips!

    1. The Amazing Taracat Post author

      Thanks! I got lucky at Minerva Crafts, it was the last 3-ish metres. And I still have just enough to squeeze out a blouse if I’m careful. I really need to train my husband better, he is very uncooperative when it comes to taking photos.

  2. Cuckoo Chanel

    Okay where do I start.
    Reasons this is the best sewing blog post ever:
    1. Amazing dress with a nautical theme.
    2. Astoundingly witty and hilarious depiction of the trials of self-photography.
    3. Introduced me to my new favorite word.

    Please let the peas be mushy next time so I can be properly jealous of your fish and chips.


    1. The Amazing Taracat Post author

      Thank you! I must admit, I do love this dress. And I’ve decided I’m just going to embrace the embarrassment and see if I can work through it. I think it might be quite liberating. Or am I just kidding myself?

  3. Helen

    I absolutely love this dress and really want to steal it! I also hate the photo taking part of blogging, but feel that clothes need a body to look half decent! So many other bloggers pull it off so well, but I just look like I’m in a cheesy holiday photo most of the time!

    I guess though, like sewing, we’ll get better and soon you won’t even be noticing the dog walkers!

      1. Gjeometry

        I had fish and chips AGAIN tonight for dinner. I blame YOU! (Well, sorta, but it was really tasty, so can’t really complain).

    1. The Amazing Taracat Post author

      Cheers, and you’re adorable too 🙂 Actually I’m thinking I should just embrace the embarrassment factor and go full on pin up styley in a crowded place armed with my camera and Gorillapod. Then every subsequent photoshoot will be a breeze. There is logic in there, I think…?

  4. Katy

    Wow! That dress is stunning!! I love the print. This is so hilarious too! Its exactly how I feel sometimes. I was really lucky to be able to drag my hubby out to take photos of me last night, but it didn’t stop me feeling ridiculous! It must have been really hard on your own though! Well done for carrying on 🙂

    1. The Amazing Taracat Post author

      Cheers! I may show my husband all these comments about how everyone else’s husbands take pictures for them. Although he probably still wouldn’t take the hint.He has loads of other qualities though and he’s damned hot so I’ll think I’ll keep him 🙂

  5. EmSewCrazy

    AGHH I’m in the same boat with self photography. I have a custom feature I can set up for a 15 sec. time delay then it snaps 5 pics. Thankfully I live in the middle of nowhere so I don’t have people staring at me while I take photos.

    Your dress is lovely too!

    1. The Amazing Taracat Post author

      Cheers! I have that self timer feature too, but only ten seconds – hence the pictures of me frantically trying to get in position, falling over (I’ll post some of them next time 🙂 ) trying to figure out if it’s taken them yet, etc…

  6. Scruffybadger

    Loved this!! Your dress is beautiful and wonderful fabric and your adaptations, but my lasting memories will be of your twunting ( new verb?) as it feels oh so familiar! I tend to take all my pics on self timer too, and in public….still gives me the heebies, even living in Bath where ALL tourists are taking photos ( but rarely self photos!!). My compromise is to seek out less frequented spaces to ease myself into public photos, and aim to get braver and braver….
    But it has to be said, your backdrops are worth it!! Keep pushing your twunt ( sounds so rude !) and remember there will me many others of us doing the same in May!!

  7. Lynne

    Your dress is lovely! I’m not great a self photos, I put my gorilla pod around the top of a chair, set the timer, and hope for the best!

  8. Kerry

    This is so lovely – I really want a nautical Cambie too!! I’ve got the pattern and will tackle it post-pregnancy. I made a skirt out of that same fabric in a slightly different colourway, and I love it. Well done on the photos too, takes a while to get comfortable but you’ll get there 🙂

  9. Pingback: Stripey Cascade Skirt | Sleek Silhouette

  10. Pingback: Pretty dress, face like a Klingon – Cambie No 2 | The Amazing Adventures of Taracat

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